Sweet Holy Spirit

Sweet Holy Spirit

Sweet Holy Spirit, You reveal the deep things of God to me. You lead me, you fill me with joy, you teach me what to say, and you are Truth. Holy Spirit, you give me instructions, you give me Power when you come upon me, and you cause me to speak the Word of God boldly. You encourage me, as I speak you may fall on those who hear and they may be filled with you. You send me, you keep me from going somewhere that I should not, even if it is to preach. You warn me, you pour out and shed God’s love in my heart, you give me joy, you cause me to overflow with hope, and you sanctify me.

My body is your temple, you cause me to say, “Jesus is Lord”, you make fellowship for me with Father God and Jesus. You are my seal, you reveal things to me, you help me to guard the good deposit within me. You caused me to be saved by your renewal in me, and you show me things. You testify to me about things of God, You could carry me away to a mountain great and high. You are wisdom, understanding, counsel, might, knowledge, fear and awe of the Lord. You will gather us, you can give me rest and you could come into me and raise me to my feet or lift me up. You can move me to follow God and cause me to walk in your statutes. I don’t need might or power, I need your Spirit. You give life to me, You are Truth that comes from my Father. You can give me wisdom as I speak, You can tell me things, You could suddenly take me away to another geographic place. I can be compelled by your to do something and I can urge other people by You. My mind can be governed by You and I will have life and peace.

There is another realm that You are in and You give me life. You will quicken my mortal body because you live in me, You give me the ability to put to death the misdeeds of my body. I can be led by You, I can cry Abba Father because of You. You testify with my spirit, You help me in my weakness and you intercede for me. You can give me Power of signs and wonders, You search all things, You know the thoughts of God because you are from God and You cause me to understand what God has freely given me. I can be taught by You, I can discern things through You, You cause me to be washed, justified and sanctified in Jesus. You will give me gifts and there are manifestations of You. You could give me the gift of wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miraculous powers, prophecy, distinguishing of spirits, and tongues and interpretation. I can eagerly desire Your gifts.

You are given to me to drink. I can utter mysteries. I can praise God in You, You are in my heart as a guarantee. You are the Lord and where You are there is Freedom. I received you by believing what I heard, not by works because I received you by faith. You cause me to eagerly wait by faith for righteousness. You cause me to walk by You. I can be led by You. You produce fruit in my life. This fruit is Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Gentleness and Self Control, and Faithfulness.

You grant me wisdom and revelation so I can know God better. You give me access to the Father. The church is a dwelling where God lives because of You. You can strengthen me with Power. You are a sword, I can pray in You, You give me provision, You cause me to serve God and give me the ability to serve God. You give me wisdom and understanding. You do a sanctifying work in me. You have given me a Spirit of Love, of Power and of a sound mind!

Oh Sweet Holy Spirit cause me to be all that God has purposed and planned in me and help me to know YOU!! In Jesus Name!!

Amazing Love Event

Amazing Love Event

God’s Glory Shines at the Amazing Love Event

We experienced an outpouring of God’s love and power at our last Amazing Love Event. After two years of faithful prayer, and with a team of dedicated volunteers, two worship bands, and a professional production team, God moved in a mighty way. Over 40 individuals shared their testimonies of Christ’s transforming love and power. Participants shared their stories of God’s faithfulness to walk with His people through issues of sexual abuse and addiction, same sex attractions, homosexuality, pornography, promiscuity, prostitution, and distortions of gender identity. Enjoy these highlights from our 2016 event!

We have received so many compliments and encouraging words from those who attended.  Here are just a few of them:

I was moved in so many ways that day; from the power of the Holy Spirit moving in every single person that presented; it was clearly evident that anything is possible with Jesus Christ. Thank you for your commitment to helping people find Christ and sharing your love of Him with others. I know people’s lives were changed forever.

I was extremely blessed by the Amazing Love Event and I’m so glad that I attended! I learned a lot and I believe the tools that I receive will better help me minister to individuals struggling in these areas of weakness. I would like to encourage you and your team to keep pushing this message of freedom in Christ Jesus, it is greatly needed and you all do an amazing job in the way you present it!

I really enjoyed today. I learned a lot which will help me on my journey. I do not feel so alone now. Thank you for everything you do. I will look into living waters.

I believe that so much more happened on that day than we know.  I do not know all that God has planned from here, but I do believe Sept. 24th was only the beginning. We were there for SO MUCH MORE! ~Dee Barnes

Love and Wisdom 1: The Counsel of Friends

Love and Wisdom 1: The Counsel of Friends

To love a person means to see him as God created him to be.’ Dostoevsky

Kate led a home group where she befriended and cared for ‘Kevin’, a young adult actively involved in this large dynamic church. What Kate did not know was that ‘Kevin’ had been born Karen; for the last decade, Karen had assumed a masculine identity and was en route to ‘gender reassignment.’

Weeks before her final surgical effort to re-identify as male (her breasts already removed), Karen felt led by the Spirit to make her transition known to Kate, the spiritual leader whom she knew best and trusted most. No-one at the church had ever known Karen as anyone but Kevin. Karen asked Kate: ‘Is becoming ‘Kevin’ God’s best for me?’

Kate knew little about the complexity of persons who from the first few years of life nourish silently an alter ego of the opposite gender. But she was a woman of the Spirit and prayed intently for her pastoral charge. God simply gave her the words: ‘God did not make a mistake in creating Karen.’ Kate told ‘Kevin’ her counsel and pledged to support her in every way possible in that truth.

Karen came to us a few months later; we had just begun a Living Waters group in that church. It took an empowered, Spirit-filled and truthful village to help her make peace with her real self. She did, and became one of our best leaders.

Kate fulfilled what Joseph Pieper describes as the crucial link between wisdom and love as expressed in authentic friendship. Love always seeks the best for a friend based on wisdom. Pieper heralds the role of wise friends, who, operating out of divine love, counsel others according to ‘the truth of real things’ so that what is actual and good might become reality.

Nothing better defines how godly friendship operates. Remember how wisdom ‘forms right judgments concerning how one is to act in the here and now’ (Pieper)? No easy task, this getting of wisdom in an age of 50 plus gender ‘selves’! Operated wisely and in loving accord with ‘Kevin’s’ real self, Kate summoned the truth of Karen in that crucial juncture of her decision-making and counseled her to align herself with Reality. Godly friendship helped preserve Karen’s life.

Satisfying Jesus

Satisfying Jesus

‘After the suffering of His soul, He will see the light of life and be satisfied.’ (IS 53:11)

God surrenders to man’s sin and death in order to vanquish his sin and death. Forever. Today and for as long as we live on earth, Jesus desires that our lives declare that truth. He is reunited with the Father! He lives to intercede for us! He pours out His Spirit upon us continuously, and provokes us with the fruit of His suffering–the expansive, generous, inclusive union He now shares with His Father: Raised Son and Proud Papa! We are invited into His reunion—Jesus our brother, God our Father, the Spirit uniting us and making us fully alive. He did not suffer in vain. He is satisfied to the extent that our lives declare this union of Life!

My friend Jonathan Hunter gets this. Raised from the dead of homosexual sin, drug addiction, and the HIV virus (before effective treatment existed), Hunter discovered how Jesus gives us a new lease on life, regardless of one’s ‘prognosis.’ He grew up with a familiar mindset of darkness and impending dread. In Christ, Jonathan discovered that this ‘spirit of death’ need not master him anymore. The Risen Christ is the ultimate grave robber! Jesus has broken death’s grip on Jonathan and all who wrestle with despair. Forever. ‘By His death, Jesus destroyed him who holds the power of death—the devil—and freed those who all their lives were held in slavery by fear of death’ (Heb. 2: 14, 15).

While we were in transit at the Geneva Airport, Jonathan received a vision of Jesus routing Satan by storming the gates of hell and bringing with Him a host of people who had been trapped by death in underground caverns. Liberated, these former captives lived to declare the power of what He won for them! Hunter understands better than anyone that Jesus stormed the gates of hell in order to get us out of there. Is this what Matthew meant when he wrote that at Jesus’ death ‘the tombs broke open and the bodies of many holy people were raised to life…after the resurrection, they appeared to many people’(Matt. 27:52, 53)?

Jesus appears today through an empowered, radiant people free from the spirit of death. My friend Daniel Delgado lived under death’s shadow through a mentally ill, suicidal mother; he escaped into homosexual and transgender fantasy. While identifying as a woman and participating in drag shows, he witnessed a culture of death as friends died young, tragically. That spirit of death hunted down Daniel but Jesus’ Spirit was stronger. Jesus met him through engaging Christians who helped rescue Daniel from an early eternal death.

Today Daniel lives to make Jesus known. He recently had the privilege of ministering to a teenager intent on becoming a woman and unraveling in every way. Daniel emboldened him with the truth of how Jesus saved him—granting him union with the Father and the gift of his own identity as a son. He asked the young man if he wanted that love and that freedom. In light of Love, the young man saw his deception and cried out for mercy. Jesus gave it. He did not suffer in vain. He lives, and is satisfied by us who live to declare eternal Life.