

Pornography & Sexual Addiction

At its root, pornography and sexual addiction are false forms of intimacy. Our greatest desire is to be known and unconditionally loved for who we are, even at our worst. These addictions preclude and inhibit true relational intimacy and result in the development of a false, protective identity. Over time, they affect brain development in adolescents and young adults and alter brain chemistry and neural pathways of anyone caught in this trap.

Some of the members have struggled with pornography, promiscuity and sexual addiction. They speak, teach and provide lay counseling from their own experiences of addiction; becoming honest, confessional and accountable; and serving others with similar struggles. We also make referrals to counselors, churches and ministries who provide specialized help in this area.

Our resources are designed or chosen to help you as you seek the healing and freedom God has for you in Christ.


Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse of children is especially grievous to God. It is not His will for children to be abused in any manner and it is never their fault. Some of the members are survivors of childhood sexual abuse and trauma. It was a contributing factor to their distortions of gender identity, gender insecurity, promiscuity, homosexuality, pornography and sexual addiction. They speak, teach and provide lay counseling from their own experiences of abuse, healing and restoration.

We also make referrals to counselors, churches and ministries who provide specialized help in this area.

Our resources are designed or chosen to help you as you seek the healing and freedom God has for you in Christ.


Homosexuality & Bisexuality

Some of the members have struggled with bisexuality and homosexuality. They share the truth about God, our biologically based genders and corresponding heterosexuality and practical information about pursuing the healing and freedom God has for us in Christ. Our teachings are rooted in scripture and are great for individuals, churches and ministries and across Christian and social media.

We also speak and provide lay counseling for parents and family members of those who have adopted an LGBT identity and/or lifestyle. Our director of prayer and parent support is the mother of an LGBT identified child. She speaks from her own experience of transformation of loving her child unconditionally and remaining firm to the authority of scripture.

Our resources are designed or chosen to help you as you seek the healing and freedom God has for you in Christ.


Gender Identity

Gender identity and corresponding sexuality are shaped beginning at conception, through infancy, childhood and adolescence. Many factors, both positive and negative, internal and external, work together to form our perceived identities. But what happens when our perceptions of God, ourselves and others don’t line up with reality? How can we find healing for wounds to our self-worth, gender, sexuality, emotions and ways of relating?

Our resources are designed or chosen to help you as you seek the healing and freedom God has for you in Christ.


Trafficking & Prostitution

Sex trafficking is an enormous and growing epidemic in the U.S. and around the world. That includes the trafficking of children. Up to 300,000 Americans under the age of 18 are lured into commercial sex trafficking every year. One member of our team is a survivor of child sex trafficking. He speaks and provides lay counseling from his own experience of being trafficked, the devastating effects of it in his life and his continuing healing and recovery.

Our resources are designed or chosen to help you as you seek the healing and freedom God has for you in Christ.


Other Ministries & Resources

Finding ministry resources can be a daunting task. To help you make the best choices for your particular needs, we provide a guide to other ministries that His Wonderful Works associates with and would recommend

Our resources are designed or chosen to help you as you seek the healing and freedom God has for you in Christ.