Tell of His Wonderful Works! – Ashley Little
Then I began to feel the Holy Spirit’s nudge. He wanted to take me deeper into my own heart.
When I was newly saved, some of my friends called me ‘fireball.’ I was passionate about Jesus. If I wasn’t spending time with Him, I was telling someone about Him. In just 21 years of walking with Jesus, I have seen Him do many miracles, save lost souls, and heal hearts and minds in ways the world says are impossible. He has protected me, provided for me, spoken to me, led me, used me, and proved Himself faithful over and over.
Yet like many of us, I began to notice my fire had grown dim. Life happened. New (seemingly innocent) distractions knocked on my door due to the rise of technology and social media. I’ve watched a world change dramatically in ways I could never dream of and quicker than I could have imagined. I’ve watched so many in the body of Christ embrace doctrines of demons and drift further and further away from the true gospel. Lawlessness has increased and because of that, the love of many is growing cold. Yet in the midst of all this my heavenly Father whispers to my heart, “Remember…Remember Me Ashley.”
“But I have this against you, that you have left your first love. Therefore, remember from where you have fallen, and repent and do the deeds you did at first; or else I am coming to you and will remove your lamp stand out of its place – unless you repent.”
Revelation 2:4
God is rekindling a fire in my heart. A heart that cannot contain the boast of the Lord. I am returning back to my first love. Where had I fallen? In my time with Him. So often I had allowed other things to distract me from the most important thing in my life…my secret place with the Father.
What about you? Does your heart burn with desire to ‘Tell of His Wonderful Works?’ Or do you find yourself relating to Jesus’ kind rebuke that we have left our first love? Have you forgotten? If that’s you, repent. Remember and do what you used to do at first. Brothers and sisters, our time here on earth is short and there is an urgency in this hour. Our King is returning.
Join me as we open our mouths (or grab a pen) and tell of HIS WONDERFUL WORKS!
“But if I say, ‘I will not remember Him or speak anymore in His name,’ Then in my heart it becomes like a burning fire shut up in my bones; And I am weary of holding it in, and I cannot endure it.”
Jeremiah 20:9
Ashley Little
Executive Director

Dee Barnes – Atlanta Live Interview
Dee Barnes | Atlanta Live on 8/31/21

Three Quick Points for Christian Response to LGBTQ.
Canary in the Coal Mine
Three Quick points for Christian Response to LGBTQ.
Quite often we get this basic question, “How should I respond as a Christian to those around me who have embraced LGBTQ identity or ideology?”
Although it is not an easy answer and can be quite complicated to navigate at times, there are some simple responses that go a long way.
1. All people are valuable: No matter how different our beliefs are we must remember that every life if valuable to God. As a Christian we must ask our Heavenly Father to give us His heart to love those who do not know Him. When we are able to see through His eyes we are able to show kindness and love to those who have chosen to live contrary to the Words of our God. Remember when you were once lost, you needed love and not rejection. Those who have embraced LGBTQ identity long to experience being loved and valued.
2. Build a Bridge: Before we can give advice that is received, we must first have relationship. Take time to be a friend, show love and build relationship before you speak truth that may be difficult to hear. Build a bridge to the heart of the one in LGBTQ, then wait for your friend to open the door to the LGBTQ conversation and be ready to speak truth in love. When you love long enough, the subject will come up. It is vital that you be prepared to speak the truth in scripture and through testimony of those that you know of who have been set free from LGBTQ. You may not know these testimonies personally but you have access to hundreds through our ministry online. Here is one amazing link: Such Were Some of You
3. Tell your Jesus Story: If you know Jesus, you have a story. Loving LGBTQ is no different that loving any other person who does not truly follow Jesus. Just tell your Jesus story; most likely it will not have anything to do with LGBTQ but Jesus will be lifted up and He will draw all men unto himself. The focus is not LGBTQ, the goal is for your friend to be Born again in Christ Jesus. When this happens, the rest of the transformation will follow.