What are you feeding on | Ep.3
Ashley Little, podcast host talks about what and who we are listening to and the huge impact it has on our walk with God, the fruit we see in our life and the freedom we walk in as followers of Jesus.
Ashley Little, podcast host talks about what and who we are listening to and the huge impact it has on our walk with God, the fruit we see in our life and the freedom we walk in as followers of Jesus.
Join us as Ashley Little interviews Dee Barnes, the founder of His Wonderful Works. She takes us on a journey as she shares how God brought healing to 3 main areas of her life –
“If you are woman who is solid in her femininity, the greatest thing you can do is come alongside someone else who is struggling”.
If you want to know what someone believes…watch them!
We don’t live out of what we know in our heads. We live from what we believe in our hearts. What we believe about God is more important than anything.
On this episode, Ashley will share two of the biggest hinderances to us walking by Faith and experiencing transormation in our lives.
If you are longing for greater freedom in your life and want all that Jesus paid the price to give you, then make sure to check out this episode as you are challenged to get real about heart and what you REALLY believe.
My name is Ashley Little and I am so excited to bring you this new podcast in 2025. In this trailer I will give you a quick background on why we are doing this podcast and what you can expect.
A little bit about me – I spent years trapped in addiction, insecurities, and torment searching for peace and fulfillment in alcohol, drugs, pornography and same-sex relationships. In 2002, I had a radical encounter with Jesus that changed my life forever.
I believe that Jesus not only saves, but He is faithful to His promise to ‘…heal the broken hearted and set the captives free.’ The Word of God says, ‘Be transformed by the renewing of your mind… I don’t’ believe that promise comes with exceptions.
The question is, “How do we walk this out, what does this journey look like and why is all of this important. We will explore all of this here on the His Wonderful Works Podcast.
Who is this for? Christians searching for sexual and relational wholeness and for those that lead and walk with them.